
Julie's Birthday Weekend

This weekend has been a lot of fun! First, Julie and I got away together (without the kids! That hasn't happened in years!) and went to Cincinnati Friday night. We really enjoyed our time together... ate some great food at the Cheesecake Factory, went to a comedy club and shopped for the first time at IKEA. When we got home Saturday night there was a surprise waiting on our porch for Julie. It was Heidi Ansley, her good friend from Missouri. Julie was totally shocked and thrilled that she made the effort to come out and spend some time with us here in Kentucky. They are right now off shopping somewhere together.
The kids and I have spent a lot of time together this Labor Day and I've especially enjoyed their eagerness to read their children's Bibles with me. Parker has even been reading his on his own and is doing such a good job! Today, he and I had some good conversations about why people do bad things and what happens when they make poor choices. Ella really enjoys looking at the pictures and talking about Jesus. Today, she was "reading" the story of Jonah and said, "Jesus went to Ninevah!" I was so proud of her! :) Sadly, I had to ground her from her bible (can I DO that?!?) because she got mad at Parker and threw it at him.
Well, this is the first of hopefully many posts! More to come...